My garden is in dreadful shape right now. After such a glorious and productive spring and early summer everything has gone kaddywhampus. How could this have happened? I went on a tiny vacation. While I was away San Diego had a heat wave along with steamy air. My babies, all those yummy veggies, luscious, fragrant tomatoes, and luxurious strawberries suffered. My arch enemies, the weeds and grasses benefited from the greenhouse conditions and grew to Jack-in-the-beanstalk proportions. I am discouraged. When I am discouraged I become complacent. Complacency leads to less labor................arghhhhhhh!!!!! What a vicious cycle.
Get out there. Adjust the watering. Add some heads or emitters. WEED THE GARDEN!!!! Do not be discouraged. Why you ask? Well, the best planting weather of the year is fast approaching. Heard the expression "timing is everything?" Very true in trapeze. Also true in gardening. Weed, prep the soil, check your watering. Wednesday is greenery pick-up day, so I want to get all the cans full and out to the curb. You should too.
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